Policy for Abatement of Noise Pollution

The following would comprise an element of an action plan on abatement of noise pollution:

  1. Make an appropriate distinction between the different environments in terms of setting ambient noise standard,e.g- rural Vs urban; education and hospital establishments various other areas; daytime Vs night time in a residential area; the area in the vicinity of rail, road, airport infrastructure Etc.
  2. Distinguish between noise standard and protection measure in the context of occupational exposure, and environmental exposure to third parties.
  3. Formulated noise emission norms "loudspeaker, automobile horn, and fireworks "rating appropriate to various activities to ensure the exposer level to third parties who have not participated in the activities do not exceed prescribe ambient standard.
  4. Encourage dialogue between state/local authorities and religions/community representative on the adoption of an enforceable specific duration, the timing for use of loudspeaker of fireworks.


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