
Showing posts with the label LAW

Significance of PIL(public interest litigation)

§   The aim of PIL is to give to the common people access to the courts to obtain legal redress. §   PIL is an important  instrument of social change  and for maintaining the Rule of law and accelerating the balance between law and justice. §   The original purpose of PILs have been  to make justice accessible to the poor and the marginalized. §   It is an important tool to make human rights reach those who have been denied rights. §   It  democratizes the access of justice  to all. Any citizen or organization who is capable can file petitions on behalf of those who cannot or do not have the means to do so. §   It helps in judicial monitoring of state institutions like prisons, asylums, protective homes, etc. §   It is an important tool for implementing the concept of judicial review. §   Enhanced public participation in judicial review of administrative action is assured by the inception of PILs.

Policy for Abatement Air Pollution

To accelerate the national program dissemination to improve fuel wood stove and solar cookies for rural women. To provide an incentive-based instrument for controlling air pollution in big cities. To provide adequate investments in low pollution mass transport systems with the help of public and private partnerships. To give greater legal standing to local communities and NGOs to undertake monitoring fo environmental compliance.  To promote the reclamation of wasteland by energy plantation.