
Showing posts from June, 2020

Policy for Abatement Air Pollution

To accelerate the national program dissemination to improve fuel wood stove and solar cookies for rural women. To provide an incentive-based instrument for controlling air pollution in big cities. To provide adequate investments in low pollution mass transport systems with the help of public and private partnerships. To give greater legal standing to local communities and NGOs to undertake monitoring fo environmental compliance.  To promote the reclamation of wasteland by energy plantation.

Policy for Abatement Water Pollution

The following measures will be adopted to control water pollution: To enhance the reuse of treated sewage and industrial wastewater before final discharge to water bodies. To set up common effluent treatment plants on a cost-recovery basis. To take explicit account of groundwater pollution in pricing policies of pesticide and fertilizers. To develop a strategy for strengthening regulation regarding the impact of shipbreaking on marine resources. To promote research and development in the field of low-cost technologies in sewage treatment. To develop public privet partnership for setting up effluents and sewage treatment plants. 

Policy for Abatement of soil pollution

The following are elements of an action plan on soil pollution: Develop and implement strategies for clean up of pre-existing toxic and hazardous waste dumps. in industrial area and reclamation of such land for sustainable use. Strengthen the capacity of local bodies for segregation-recycling and reuse of municipal solid waste. Develop and implement strategies for recycle, reuse and final environmentally begin disposal of plastic waste, including through the promotion of relevant technologies and use of the incentive-based instruments.

Policy for Abatement of Noise Pollution

The following would comprise an element of an action plan on abatement of noise pollution: Make an appropriate distinction between the different environments in terms of setting ambient noise standard,e.g- rural Vs urban; education and hospital establishments various other areas; daytime Vs night time in a residential area; the area in the vicinity of rail, road, airport infrastructure Etc. Distinguish between noise standard and protection measure in the context of occupational exposure, and environmental exposure to third parties. Formulated noise emission norms "loudspeaker, automobile horn, and fireworks "rating appropriate to various activities to ensure the exposer level to third parties who have not participated in the activities do not exceed prescribe ambient standard. Encourage dialogue between state/local authorities and religions/community representative on the adoption of an enforceable specific duration, the timing for use of loudspeaker of fireworks.

Tiwari Committee 1980

                             Tiwari committee (1980) The Tiwari committee was set up in February 1980 to suggest administrative and legislative measures that out to be taken for the protection of the environment. This committee submitted its report in September 1980and made for reaching recommendations. According to this for the protection of the environment. 1.        Land and water management. 2.        Natural living resources. 3.        Environmental pollution and environmental impact assessment. 4.        Human settlement. 5.        Environmental education and awareness.     The committee reviewed the exciting laws related to the environment and pointed out the following shortcoming: 1.        Many laws ...

The Wildlife Protection Act,1972 (India)

The act is meant to prevent the rapid decline of wild animals and birds in the country. Potching of wild animals has completely prohibited under this Act. It also provides that the state government may declare any area to a sanctuary or as a national park if it considers that such area is of adequate ecological geomorphological, natural or zoological significant of the purpose of protecting, propagating or developing wildlife. The Act has the following objective: Protecting wildlife in the country. To prevent hunting and treading wildlife in any form. Control the maintenance of national parks and sanctuaries in the country.

How can acid mine drainage be prevented?

The removal of the source is the most obvious answer. Sealing off the pyrite so that it can not oxidize and flooding the abandoned mine are two solutions. Reclaiming land so that pyrite does not expose also helps. However, it is very difficult to prevent pyrite from oxidizing once it has been disturbed and exposed to air. You could coat the exposed pyrite with an impermeable coating of ferric phosphate to prevent exposure to air. You could also curb acid mine drainage by suppressing the activity of Fe- and S-oxidizing bacteria. In the laboratory, this has been done with a low concentration of organic acid and the addition of antimicrobial compounds. However, this procedure appears to be impartial on a field scale. And the alternative mechanism is to place the acid mine drainage in a lagoon with large quantities of organic waste "sawdust". Aerobic and anaerobic bacteria will lower the redox potential and produce degradation and intermediates that can be used by (SO4)2- reducer...

Acid Mine Drainage

Abandoned mines and mine spoiled represented a major source of environmental contamination through acidic drainage. Cole is often associated with pyrite. when mining exposed the cole to air, a combination of autooxidation and microbial Fe and S oxidation produce acid. the subsequently acidic damage is environmentally harmful to life and physical structure. stream pH may decrease from near-natural to 2 to 4.5. Sulfate concentration is stream may range from 1000 to 20000 mg/l. ferrous ion may become non-degradable in the water but that stream becomes blood-red with precipitated Fe+. Acid mine drainage is a result of chemical and microbial reactions. At natural pH, pyrite (FeSo2) oxidation is rapid and spontaneous, but below pH 4.5 autooxidation slows. in the range of pH 3.5 to 4.5, the ion bacterium Metallogenium catalyzes pyrite oxidation, while at pH < 3.5, Thiobacillus species and Leptospirillus species become important. At this stage microbially catalyze oxidation is several hundr...

Effects of Biomagnification?

As the substance biomagnification leech into the environment and absorbed, we seeing their effects. Generally, the organisms at the bottom of the food chain are not entirely affected by biomagnification because the concentration of the substance is very low. As it increases the higher level we being to see the problem. One of the most infamous persistent organic pollutants is DDT, an organic compound use as an insecticide.DDT is slowly accumulated in plankton, which was eaten by fish. these fish, which now accumulated more DDT, were then eaten by bigger fish until they were eventually eaten by birds. the birds had eventually large amount of DDT in their system. Fig: DDT Biomagnification another part cyanide fishing is widely used in southeast Asia by fishers because it is effective way of catching fish. the cyanide is introduced as a crushed tablet placed in squirt bottles. these are then sprayed across the water and reef fishes are stunned by the cyanide. As the coral reef dies, the o...

Cause of biomagnification?

Toxic chemical and heavy metal run into the ocean because of industrial, agricultural, and human waste. These waste products dumped into the sea from runoff and deliberate action. These chemical and heavy metals have been linked to many problems into discs, birth defects, behavioral change, reproductive problems, and genetic mutation within marine organisms. they also contribute to there deaths. Agricultural products like pesticide, herbicides, fungicides, and chemical fertilizer seep into the soil as they have released in farms and another agricultural area. They eventually make their way towards the sea.many of these products have heavy metal in them like Hg, Cd, As. pollutants from factories, mining, and other industrial process are widely known and many of those pollutants are toxic chemicals well as metal and eventually accumulate their food chain. Besides contaminating water supply they also contaminated the soil and river. 

What is biomagnification?

Biomagnification is the process in which toxins are concentrated in an organism as larger animals continue to eat the smaller animals. this process moves toxins up the food chain to larger organisms and is of particular concern with regard to concentrating dangerous toxins in large species. in general, the use of biomagnification is associated with dangerous toxins and chemicals that are released because of human action. Biomagnification can be broken into two categories: persistent organic pollutants and metal. Both of these groups are not easily degraded by organisms.persistant organic pollutants are novel organic substances made by humans.  Metals can not be degraded because they are an element. the example of biomagnification is the accumulation of insecticide DDT or any other PAHs and metal in zooplanktons that zooplanktons consumed by small fishes then DDT concentration moves to high in small fishes than zooplankton               ...


These are known as relatively rapid movements. the material involved the relatively dry.the size and shape of the detached mass depend on the nature of the discontinuities in the rock. the degree of weathering and the steepness of the slope. depending upon the type of movement of material several types are identified in this category. slump is slipping of one or several units of rock                                           Fig : Slumping of debris with backward rotation. debris with a backward rotation with respect to the slope over which the movement takes place Rapid rolling and sliding of earth debris without backward rotation of mass is known as debris slide . debris fall is nearly a free fall of earth debris from a vertical and overhanging face. sliding of individual rock masses down bedding joint or fault surfaces is rockslide .