Over the past two centuries, humans learned to harness fossil fuels on a vast scale to power an industrial revolution. This quantum advance in machine automation, mass production and labor division drove unparalleled improvements in the health, economics, and comforts of citizens of industrialized nations. But today, the benefits come at great, unpaid environmental costs. Fossil fuels cannot continue to be humanity’s primary source of energy. It’s time for an energy foundation in harmony with the planet. It’s time for a solar revolution.
Solar energy has vitality more than we require for a long time and with the assistance of solar panels, we can change over that vitality to power. As a worldwide temperature alteration brought about by non-sustainable power sources keeps on expanding step by step, there is no uncertainty that sun oriented vitality turns into a progressively significant vitality source later on. To spare our reality, we need to utilize sun based vitality as power.


Sun-powered cells are extremely dainty silicon circles that convert daylight to power and silicon is known as a semiconductor. At that point, what is a semiconductor? In nature, a few substances don't direct power yet some of them can lead to power. For instance, metals permit power to stream and they called transmitters. Something else, plastics and wood don't permit power to stream and they called separators. Semiconductors like silicon (Si), Germanium(Ge) and Gallium Arsenide(GaAs) neither conductors nor encasings. For making sun-powered cells we by and large use silicon.
Solar cells: The wafers are further processed into solar cells in the third production step. They form the basic element of the resulting solar panels. The cells already possess all of the technical attributes necessary to generate electricity from sunlight. Positive and negative charge carriers are released in the cells through light radiation, causing electrical current (direct current) to flow.
Solar panel: Solar cells are merged into larger units – the panels – in panel production. They are framed and weather-proofed. The solar energy panels are final products, ready to generate power. Sunlight is converted into electrical energy in the panels. The direct current produced this way is converted to alternating current by a the device called an inverter so that it can be fed into the utility grid or, if applicable, straight into the house.

Silicon:  Silicon is the starting point of our solar production cycle. It is extracted from sand, which is made up primarily of silicon dioxide. As the second most common element of the earth’s crust, there is an almost endless supply

PolysiliconRight now, input materials are mg-silicon and HCI (Hydrochloric corrosive). We blended them at the Silane (SiH4) tank, at that point we can distillate the silicon for making unadulterated. At the last advance, silicon moves to a warmed zone commonly and from that point forward, we will have 99.99% unadulterated polysilicon ingots

Melting: As the crystal-growing furnace heats up to temperatures ranging around 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit, its silicon contents liquefy into a shimmering melt. Once computerized monitors register the right temperature and atmospheric conditions, the alchemy begins. A silicon seed crystal hung from a narrow cable attached to a rotary device atop the furnace, is slowly lowered into the melt.

Growing: The crucible starts to turn, and the seed crystal begins to rotate in the opposite direction. The silicon melt freezes onto the seed crystal, matching the seed’s crystalline structure. The crystal grows, the cable and seed slowly ascend, and the crystal elongates at a controlled diameter. As the growth depletes the silicon melt, the crucible also rises.

Cutting: First, a saw cuts off the crystal’s so-called top and tail so that a crystal of uniform width remains. Typically, wafering saws draw thin wire bearing a liquid abrasive across the crystal’s surface. (Above, a machine mounted with a giant donutlike steel blade does the cutting.) Wire saws also cut the crystal into ingots measuring 2 feet long.

Texturing: In the only phase requiring a designated clean room, a series of intricate chemical and heat treatments converts the blank, grey wafers into productive, blue cells. A so-called texture etch, for instance, removes a tiny layer of silicon, relying on the underlying crystal structure to reveal an irregular pattern of pyramids. The surface of pyramids – so small they’re invisible to the naked eye – absorbs more light.

Diffusing: Next, wafers are moved in cartridges into long, cylindrical, oven-like chambers in which phosphorus is diffused into a thin layer of the wafer surface. The molecular-level impregnation occurs as the wafer surface is exposed to phosphorus gas at high heat, a step that gives the surface a negative potential electrical orientation. The combination of that layer and the boron-doped layer below creates a positive-negative, or P/N, junction – a critical partition in the functioning of a PV cell.

Farming: To become a solar panel, however, each laminate requires not only a frame to provide protection against weather and other impacts but also a junction box to enable connections among panels or with an inverter-bound conduit. Robots affix those, too


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